Hi, i'm Beth. I am married with 2 daughters and moved to NZ from the UK in 2008. I crochet toys and clothing for babies and children.
How did you get started? Have you worked in other creative areas before the kind of work you’re doing now?
I started to crochet when I was expecting my eldest daughter (now nearly 7) and just spent time making blankets and clothes for my own children. Since moving to NZ I found myself making baby clothes because they took the least time to make and ended up with quite a collection. After a few craft fairs I decided to venture to the internet and also began to make toys which have proven very popular. I have never really done much in creative areas before I learned to crochet but have always had great comments about my work.
The shop name speaks for itself really- straight to the point- Crochet by Beth.
How long have you been creating for?
I have been crocheting for about 7 years now but have only been making items to sell for the last 12 months.
Is your business a hobby, a profession or a happy marriage of both?
It has always been a hobby for me, something I like to do to relax but who knows where it will lead in the future as my business grows.
Describe your work setting.
I tend to work in the living room, on the sofa and in front of the TV. I like to work where I can still be part of the family.
Do you work alone? With a team? Do you engage your family or friends in the work? What is your process? How do you ensure you get your work done yet still have a life?
Why do you do what you do? What inspires you? When do you get most excited?
I love to crochet and creating things that other people will get enjoyment from. I get inspiration from things I see. Some yarns scream out to me to be made into something in particular or I might find a pattern that inspires something new. I love getting feedback about my creations- especially when it is good.
My first sale would be one of my Bunnies- was a great feeling to know that other people love my work as much as I do.
Have you ever been in business before?
Yes. I ran an online Lingerie store in the UK before immigrating to NZ. very different to Crochet.
At what point do you consider yourself successful?
I would say that I have achieved a life balance that works for me and my family which to me is a success- i'm ready for what the future throws at me.
Where do you do your best thinking?
There is no set situation that helps me think. Being in a happy and stimulating environment helps me weather that be playing with the children or having some quality time to myself.
Knowing that the finished product will make someone happy, knowing how I will feel when I finish something and I love it.
If you had time to learn a new skill what would it be?
I would love to learn to sew- I love clothes and things that are different so it would be great to be able to make clothes for myself and my children.
I love to go walking, I love spending time with my family and watching my children develop- they grow up so fast.
Do you have a favourite handmade purchase?
Not a purchase really but I still have a wooden truck that my Dad made for me when I was a baby- my children still play with it now as as they grow up I hope to have grandchildren that will also love it.
Do you buy on impulse or do you go out looking for something you need?
I usually by on impulse- it isn't very often that I NEED something. I have a weakness for gorgeous things.
1. What is the last thing that made you belly laugh? My girls are always making me laugh with some of the silly things they do.
2. What book is on your bedside table? I am about to start on the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris
3. What was the last cd/ipod track etc that you listened to? Gin- Holy Smoke album which is in my car.
4. Where do you hide your secret stash of chocolate? I often have a bar stashed in my handbag.
5. Who controls the remote in your house? Depends on the day and time but usually me.
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great interview!